We’ve seen a lot of movement in British Columbia Provincial Nominee programs in the last week. On April 7, 2020, the BC PNP held its 8th draw of the year and issued 147 Invitations to Apply (ITA) under the Tech Pilot Program to applicants with job offers in the 29 key technology occupations. Applicants had minimum scores of 85 under BC’s eligibility criteria and do not require a Labour Market Opinion (LMO). Despite BC’s last PNP Draw on March 30th which excluded several occupations due to economic impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the BC PNP Tech Pilot Program continues to issue ITA’s, with an extension of the program to June 2020. BC is experiencing significant labour shortage in the Tech industry due to new and growing technology companies and does not appear to be affected by the global pandemic. In order to qualify for the BC PNP Skills Immigration and EE programs, candidates must complete an online profile with the BC PNP Online System. Top qualifying candidates are then chosen and receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) based on their registration score.