Transport Canada published a “Travel Decision Tree” to assist Airlines determine who can or cannot board a plane to Canada as a final destination and to conduct health checks of all air passengers on route to Canada from international locations. This guidance based on an Interim Order to Prevent Foreign Nationals from Boarding flights to Canada from any other country than the U.S. and to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19, pursuant to the Aeronautics and Emergency Order under the Quarantine Act.

In addition to mandatory health checks of all air passengers traveling to Canada from international locations, foreign nationals who are not Canadian Citizens, permanent residents, or immediate relatives are prohibited from traveling to Canada as a final destination, unless they meet one of the Exceptions under the Quarantine Act. The decision tree model provides guidance and preliminary questions that will be asked of all air passengers. The responses will assist to streamline the process of determining whether a traveler is permitted to board the aircraft to Canada.

Foreign Nationals who have not been outside of Canada OR the U.S. in the last 14 days AND their purpose of travel is non-optional or non-discretionary, should be able to board a Canada bound flight in the U.S.

As the Mandatory Quarantine Act is Now in Effect in Canada – All Air Travelers will be required to be screened and pass a health check conducted by the airlines before they are permitted to board their flight. Anyone who shows symptoms of COVID-19 will be barred from entering Canada by Air.

For those who arrive in Canada, their health will be assessed before leaving the port of entry. Mandatory Self-Isolation for 14 days is required, even if no symptoms are exhibited.

The only exemption from the mandatory 14-day isolation are individuals who provide “essential services” and truck drivers who regularly cross the border to maintain the flow of goods and essential supply chain. There has been further clarification to the definition of “Essential Services” published by Public Safety Canada. This list expands the group of foreign nationals who may be permitted to enter Canada. This will be discussed in a later article.