U.S. Eligibility – Investor Visa

    Part I.Contact Information
    Name of applicant


    City, State or Province, Country, Zip/Postal Code

    Date of birth

    Place of birth


    Social Security Number (if any)

    Alien Number (if any)

    If you are in the United States, please provide the following information:
    a. Date of arrival

    b. I-94 #

    c. Current nonimmigrant status

    d. Date current status expires

    e. Daytime phone number with area code

    Title of your currently held position

    Name of the applicant's current employer

    Address of the applicant's current employer

    Please describe the duties of your present position

    Highest level of education:
    a. Name of school

    b. Major/Subject

    c. Degree completed

    d. Date the degree was earned

    Other relevant experience and education (please attach a CV/Resume). Please provide verification of relevant employment in the U.S. and abroad, including exact dates of hire, job title, job duties, location within organization, number and type of employee(s) supervised.

    Please provide names, ages and relationships of accompanying family members
    a. Name

    b. Age

    c. Relationship

    Part II. Information about the proposed position

    Title of position offered to the applicant
    a. Principal owner/investor/trader

    b. Manager

    c. Supervisor

    d. Executive

    e. Specialist

    f. Other

    Description of duties of the position. Please highlight:
    a. Managerial or executive functions

    b. Special or unique duties

    c. Functions that are required to “direct and develop” the investment

    d. Minimum requirements to perform the job

    Please explain why an American could not perform this position?

    Annual U.S. salary and benefit package:
    a. Salary

    b. Allowances/Benefits

    c. Total

    Is the applicant filling a new position?

    Name of person in the U.S. being replaced on this position

    If not a replacement, is this an increase of staff?

    Is the applicant renewing a previous E visa? If so, when and where was the visa issued?

    Have you ever worked in the United States without work permission? If so, please explain on a seperate page.

    Part III Information About U.S. Enterprise, Business or Company

    Type of business enterprise:
    a. Corporation

    b. Privately owned

    c. Branch / Liaison Office/ Agency

    d. Joint Venture with an American Individual or Firm

    e. Partnership

    f. A subsidiary company

    g. Other

    Address of Headquarters. Please include telephone and fax numbers

    Date the enterprise was established

    IRS Tax #

    Address of Subsidiaries and Branch Offices. Please include telephone and fax numbers

    What is the nature of the business?
    a. General trades

    b. Imports to U.S

    c. Exports from U.S.

    d. Manufacturing

    e. Retail Sales

    f. Services /Technology

    Please describe fully the services, production, or other activity provided above.

    Name and address of foreign parent business. Pease provide telephone and fax number

    If the U.S. enterprise is majority-owned by an individual, please provide the following information:
    a. Name of principal individual owner

    b. Permanent address

    c. Percentage of ownership

    d. What are the sources of the principal individual owner (in the U.S. and abroad)

    What are the amounts of the principal individual owner (in the U.S. and abroad)

    e. Please provide the names, nationalities, and percentages of ownership of each of the other individual owners of the U.S. enterprise. If any are Legal Permanent Residents of the United States (“green card” holders), note “LPR” under nationality:

    f. What is the percentage of the U.S. enterprise over which the investor has direct operational control? If there is a difference between the percentage of ownership and the percentage of control, please explain.

    g. Has the ownership of the U.S. enterprise changed since its establishment? Please indicate:

    If so, please explain how.

    If the U.S. enterprise is majority-owned by a foreign corporation, please provide the following information:
    a. Principal corporate owner

    b. Total assets in U.S. dollars

    c. Date and place of incorporation

    d. Percentage of U.S. enterprise owned

    e. General nature of parent firm

    f. Please list the names, nationality, and percentage of ownership of the principal stockholders of the parent corporation:

    If the U.S. enterprise is owned jointly with a U.S. corporation, please list the name and percentage ownership of the U.S. partner:

    a. Has the ownership of the U.S. enterprise changed since its establishment? Please indicate:

    If so, please explain how.

    Please provide evidence of the ownership by submitting copies of stock certificates, the joint venture/partnership agreement or other evidence with supporting documents.

    Please attach the most recent financial statement for the fiscal or calendar year that includes information about:
    a. Total assets of U.S. business, including current cash and historical cost
    b. Total liabilities
    c. Owner’s equity
    d. Total annual operating income

    What type are the personnel in the U.S.?
    a. Nationals of treaty country:

    type of U.S. visa (if any)

    Specialized Essentials

    type of U.S. visa (if any)

    All other employees

    type of U.S. visa (if any)

    b. U.S. Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents

    type of U.S. visa (if any)

    Specialized Essentials

    type of U.S. visa (if any)

    All other employees

    c. Other (third country nationals)

    type of U.S. visa (if any)

    Specialized Essentials

    type of U.S. visa (if any)

    All other employees

    type of U.S. visa (if any)

    d. TOTAL:

    Specialized Essentials

    All other employees

    Part IV – Treaty Trader Applicants

    Please describe the nature of trade. What goods, monies, or services are traded between the U.S. enterprise and the treaty country?

    To answer the following question:
    A. For trade in merchandise, exports and imports, please refer to shipment and sale of goods across international boundaries
    B. For trade in services and technology, exports and imports, please refer to the sale of services by treaty-county nationals to nationals of the U.S .and other countries

    What was the Gross International Trade of the U.S. Enterprise for:
    A. Imports from treaty country to U.S. business. Please provide:
    the dollar value

    number of transactions

    percent of total trade

    B. Exports from U.S. business to treaty country
    the dollar value

    number of transactions

    percent of total trade

    C. Imports from third country to U.S. businesses
    the dollar value

    number of transactions

    percent of total trade

    D. Exports from U.S. to third countries
    the dollar value

    number of transactions

    percent of total trade

    E. Domestic U.S. production/manufacturing
    the dollar value

    number of transactions

    percent of total trade

    Is the information provided in the question above:
    a. for the calendar year

    b. for the fiscal year

    Volume of trade. What is the volume of the U.S. – treaty country trade in non monetary terms? (number of shipments, services rendered that did not result in actual transfer of goods?

    Part V – Information About Proposed Investment

    If you are an individual investor, please provide the following information:
    a. What is your country of residence?

    b. What is your immigration status in the U.S

    c. What is the percent of your ownership?

    Please choose one of the following to describe the type of investment:
    a. Creation of a new business. Please describe the business.

    b. Purchase of an existing business. Please provide the purchase price

    c. Continuation of an existing business

    d. Please provide the Fair Market Value of the business

    Total investment from abroad made in the United States for the year.
    A. Please provide the date and the amount of your initial investment


    a. Cash:

    b. Inventory:

    c. Equipment:

    d. Premises:

    e. Other(describe):

    f. Total:

    B. Total cumulative investment:
    a. Cash:

    b. Inventory:

    c. Equipment:

    d. Premises:

    e. Other(describe):

    f. Total:

    The information provided above is for
    a. for the calendar year

    b. for the fiscal year

    What were the sources of investment capital (e.g., cash from foreign sources, foreign bank loans, sale of stock or other personal property)? Please provide information regarding how U.S. bank loans have been secured (mortgage debt, commercial loan secured by the assets of the enterprise itself, personal loan secured by applicant’s own assets):
    a. Foreign capital investment

    b. Foreign bank loans

    c. U.S. bank loans

    d. U.S. joint venture capitals

    e. Personal funds

    f. Corporate funds

    g. Stocks

    h. Debenture

    i. Bonds

    j. Other (please explain)

    If the U.S. enterprise is an investment by a corporation, please provide the following information:
    Name of corporation:

    Address of corporate headquarter(s)

    Total assets:

    Date and place of incorporation

    Percentage of U.S. enterprise owned

    General nature of parent firm

    If the U.S. enterprise is a joint venture by a foreign corporation and a U.S. corporation, please provide the following information about the joint corporate owner.
    Name of U.S. corporation

    Address of corporate headquarters

    Percentage of ownership

    General nature of parent firm

    Part VI – Enterprise Details

    Application type (please check one):
    a. This petition is based on an investment in a commercial enterprise in a targeted employment area for which the required amount of capital invested has been adjusted downward

    b. This petition is based on an investment in a commercial enterprise in an area for which the required amount of capital invested has been adjusted upward.

    c. This petition is based on an investment in a commercial enterprise that is not in either a targeted area or in an upward adjusted area.

    Employment creation information
    Please provide the number of the full –time employees in the enterprise in the U.S. (excluding you, your spouse, sons and daughters) as follow:
    a. When you made your initial investment

    b. Now

    c. Difference

    d. How many of these new jobs were created by your investment?

    e. How many additional new jobs will be created by your additional investment?

    Investor Visa Checklist


    Copies of passports of majority shareholders from treaty country
    Articles of Incorporation and certificate from state
    Stock certificates
    Certificate of Officers
    Business license
    Certificate of Qualification of Foreign Business
    Partnership agreement or Joint Venture agreement
    Receipts for equipment, supplies
    Bank account statements showing capitalization
    Loan agreements, if any
    Copies of advertisements, press releases, etc., about new office
    Trade references
    Licenses, if required for type of business or profession
    Copies of telephone bills re: international calls to treaty country
    Sample contracts with customers/clients; invoices re transactions
    Letters of credit
    Business plan re: projected revenues, costs, staffing
    Letters from chambers of commerce, trade commissioners, home office re amount of initial investment as “substantial” and reasonable for start up of this type of business
    Lease or deed to office/facility space
    Trade or professional association memberships
    Awards, certificates
    PR releases
    Marketing brochures/firm résumé
    Photos of facilities, products, etc.
    Organizational chart re: employees; projected organization
    Customer/supplier list
    Relevant patents, trademarks, copyrights, if any
    Statistics re: volume and amount of trade between U.S. and treaty country (past performance and projected)


    [Same as above]
    Recent annual report, and/or tax return


    Job description (Highlight managerial or executive functions or special or unique duties or those functions that are required to “direct and develop” the investment.)
    Minimum requirements to perform the job
    Why could an American not do this position?


    Copies of diplomas, degrees and relevant transcripts
    Verification of relevant employment in U.S. and abroad: Exact dates of hire; job title, job duties, location within organization, number, type of employees supervised. Optional: information about employer, recommendation about alien’s performance.
    Membership in trade or professional societies
    Articles written about or by alien
    Awards or commendations received
    Number and type of employees supervised before and in future


    All documents in a foreign language must be translated. The translator must certify under oath that the translator is competent to translate into English. Notarized translations are preferred.

    Referral Source
    How did you find our website?*

    Your Questions or Comments

    Your privacy is important to us! By clicking the Submit button, you acknowledge that we collect the information you provide in this form only to assess your options for immigration. We will not sell your information to third-parties or disclose it without your consent unless authorized by law or if you hire us as your attorney and the services we provide for you require us to give your information to third-parties. You also acknowledge that an attorney-client relationship is not established until you speak directly with the attorney in person or over the phone to confirm such relationship.

    U.S. Eligibility Assessment!


      What immigration Services do you Require?

      If “Other”, please provide type of service required


      First Name

      Middle Name

      Family Name

      Other name used (including maiden name)

      Date of Birth




      Citizenship (country)

      Place of birth



      Phone number




      U.S. Social Security no.

      Home phone

      Business phone

      E-mail address

      Fax number

      Cell/Alternative phone

      Current residence address

      Address in the United States where you will reside (if not currently in the U.S.)

      Present occupation

      If “other” please explain
      PART C. PLEASE COMPLETE IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY OUTSIDE OF THE U.S. (if not applicable skip this part)

      Full name, address and phone number(s) of contact person or organization in the U.S

      List all countries you have entered in the last 10 years (give the year of each visit)

      List all countries that ever issued you a passport:

      Have you ever lost a passport or had one stolen?

      List all Professional, Social and Charitable Organizations to which you belong(ed) or contribute(ed) or with which you work(ed):

      Do you have any specialized skills or training, including firearms, explosives, nuclear, biological, or chemical experience?
      If yes then please explain

      Have you ever performed military service?
      If "Yes" please list: Country, Branch of Service, Rank, Position, Military Specialty, Dates of Service

      Have you ever been in an armed conflict, either as a participant or victim?
      If "Yes" please explain:

      Have you ever been a victim to domestic or other physical/mental abuse?
      If "Yes" please provide complete details, including dates of arrests, etc:

      How long do you intend to stay in the United States?

      Have you ever been refused a U.S. Visa?

      If Yes:


      What type of visa

      Have you ever been issued a U.S. Visa?

      If Yes:


      What type of visa

      Have you ever been in the United States?

      If Yes:

      For how long

      Do you intend to work in the United States?

      Do you intend to study in the United States?

      Has your U.S. Visa ever been canceled or revoked?

      Have you ever been refused admission to the United States?

      Has anyone ever filed an immigrant visa petition on your behalf?

      If answered "Yes" to the three questions above, please explain below:

      Are any of the following persons in the U.S., or do they have U.S. Legal Permanent Residence or U.S. Citizenship (please indicate that person's status in the U.S.: i.e., U.S. legal permanent resident, U.S. citizen, visiting, studying, working, etc.)?
      Husband / Wife


      Fiancé / Fiancée


      Father / Mother


      Son / Daughter


      Brother / Sister


      Have you attended a U.S. public elementary school on student (F) status or a public secondary school after November 30, 1996 without reimbursing the school?

      Have you ever been afflicted with a communicable disease of public health significance or a dangerous physical or mental disorder?

      PART D. SPONSOR OR PETITIONER (if not applicable skip this part)

      Please complete this part if you are a Sponsor or Petitioner of a person seeking immigration benefits.
      I am sponsoring

      Are you related by adoption?

      Has your relative ever been to the United States?

      Is your relative currently in the United States?

      Are you applying for an advance parole document for a person who is outside the U.S.?

      Will your relative apply for adjustment of status?

      Address in the U.S. where your relative intends to live:

      If you are a U.S. citizen, how did you acquire your citizenship (birth in the U.S., Naturalization, parents)?

      Have you obtained a certificate of citizenship in your name?

      Certificate number

      Date, Place of issuance

      If you are a lawful permanent resident alien, complete the following:

      Place of Adjustment of Status

      How did you gain permanent resident status (Marriage to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, through adoption)?

      If filing for your husband or wife, provide last address at which you lived together:
      Street Address

      Unit Number





      From (month/year)

      To (month/year)

      Have you ever filed a petition for any foreign national before?

      If you answered "Yes" to the above question provide the following:



      Date of filing


      Are you, or any person you are sponsoring, now in exclusion, deportation, removal or recission proceedings?

      If "Yes" Name of DHS office:

      If you applying for an advance parole document (permission to travel to the U.S.) for a person who is outside the United States, provide the following information about this person:
      Current legal name (as shown on the passport or I-94 departure card):

      First name

      Middle name

      Family name

      Date of Birth





      Current address

      Date of intended departure

      Expected length of trip


      Name of Father
      First Name

      Middle Name

      Last Name

      Father's date of birth



      Father’s place of birth



      Father’s current residence address:

      Is Father deceased?

      If yes, what year?

      Name of Mother
      First Name

      Middle Name

      Family Name

      Maiden Name

      Mother’s date of birth



      Mother's place of birth



      Mother’s current residence address

      Is Mother deceased?

      If yes, what year?

      Were any of your grandparents born in the United States?

      If yes, where?


      Marital status

      Date of present marriage

      Number of times of married, including this marriage

      Spouse’s name
      First Name

      Middle Name

      Last Name

      Spouse’s date of birth



      Spouse’s place of birth




      Citizenship (country)

      Spouse’s U.S. Social Security Number

      Place of present marriage

      Former Spouse
      First Name

      Middle Name

      Last Name

      Former spouse’s date of birth



      Former spouse’s citizenship

      Date/Place of termination of marriage or death

      List any children, including stepchildren immigrating with you

      a. Child Name

      b. Relationship

      c. Date of birth

      d. Place of birth



      e. Address (if different)

      f. U.S. Social Security Number

      g. “A” number (if applicable)


      Residences last 5 years (Present address first)
      Street Address

      unit number







      Last residence outside U.S. of more than one year
      Street Address

      unit number








      Current occupation:

      Employment last five years. Present employment first.



      Telephone number

      Supervisor’s Name



      Current Employer’s Tax Identification Number

      If you are applying for Employment Authorization Document, complete the following:
      Have you ever before applied for Employment Authorization Document?
      If "Yes", Which USCIS Office





      Currently I am applying for permission to accept employment:

      Currently I am applying for replacement of lost Employment Authorization Document:

      Currently I am applying for renewal of my permission to accept employment:

      If applying for work visa complete the following
      Name and address of (prospective) employer:

      List all jobs held during the last three years. Also, list any other jobs related to the occupation for which you are seeking a work visa (use attachment if necessary):
      a. Name and address of employer

      Name of job

      Kind of business

      b. Date started and left (month/year)
      Date Started

      Date Left

      c. Describe in detail the duties performed, including the use of tools, machines or equipment:


      High school?


      Degree earned and date earned:

      If applying for a work visa or you are currently outside of the United States please complete the detailed information below
      Names of schools, colleges and universities attended

      Addresses of schools, colleges and universities attended

      Addresses of schools, colleges and universities attended

      A. Field of Study:

      B. Dates of attendance (month/year)

      C. Degrees or Certificates Received


      Date of first arrival in U.S.:

      Place of first arrival in the U.S.

      Date and place of last arrival in U.S.:
      A. Date

      B. Place

      Has a prior visa petition ever been filed?
      If yes, answer the following.

      A. Where?

      B. When?

      C. Inspected? Without Inspection?

      Means of travel into U.S.:

      Status at entry (visitor, student, etc.):


      Passport Number:

      Passport Issue Date

      Passport expiry date:

      Passport Issue Place:


      Consulate Where Visa Issued:

      Visa Validity Dates (month/year)

      Visa Number

      Visa Classification:

      I-94 issue date:

      Name Exactly as it Appears on I-94:

      Have you ever filed for Permanent Residence in the U.S.?

      If yes, please answer the following
      A. Date and place of filing:

      B, “A” Number as it appears on Lawful Permanent Residence Card:

      C. Current Status in the U.S.

      Information about your proposed travel (if applicable):
      Date of intended departure FROM THE U.S. (month, day, year):

      Expected length of trip:

      How many trips do you intend to use the travel document:

      Have you ever before been issued a reentry permit or refugee travel document?

      If “Yes” Date Issued (month, day, year):

      Disposition (lost, stolen, other):
      Since becoming a permanent resident of the United States (or during the past five years, whichever is less) how much total time have you spent outside the United States:

      Since you became a permanent resident of the United States, have you ever filed a federal income tax return as a nonresident, or failed to file a federal tax return because you consider(ed) yourself to be a nonresident?

      If “Yes” please explain:

      Where do you want this travel document sent
      Number and Street

      Apt. #


      State or Province

      Zip/Postal Code


      Daytime Telephone # with area/country code):


      List ALL present/past membership in groups of any kind:

      Group name

      Location (City/State)

      Received public assistance in U.S. from any source, or likely to in the future?

      Engaged in prostitution in past 10 years, or likely to in future?

      Encouraged any alien to enter U.S. illegally?

      Trafficked in any controlled substance?

      Been in any way involved in any terrorist activity?

      Engaged in espionage or intend to once in the U.S.?

      Been a member of or affiliated with the Communist Party or Nazi government of Germany between March 23, 1933 and May 8, 1945?

      Engaged in genocide or persecuted any person because of race, religion, national origin or political opinion?

      Been deported, removed, or excluded from the U.S. or been ordered to do same?

      Committed fraud in order to obtain entry into the U.S.?

      Left the U.S. to avoid being drafted into the U.S. Army?

      Been a J nonimmigrant visitor and not complied with the 2-year foreign requirement or obtained a waiver?

      Withheld custody of a U.S. citizen child from a person granted custody of the child?

      Been a polygamist or plan to practice polygamy in the U.S.?

      Claimed to be a U.S. citizen (in writing or any other way)?

      Violated or evaded laws prohibiting the export of goods, technology or information from the Unites States?

      If you answered YES to any of the above, explain fully
      Have you ever been under immigration proceedings?

      If you answered "Yes" to the last question, please explain:

      Withdrawal of Application for Admission
      What date did you return to your home country?

      Part M. NATURALIZATION APPLICANTS ONLY (if not applicable, skip to Part N)

      How many total days did you spend outside of the United States during the past 5 years?

      How many trips of more than 24 hours have you taken outside of the U.S. during the past 5 years?

      List below all the trips of 24 hours or more that you have taken outside of the United States since becoming a Lawful Permanent Resident. Begin with your most recent trip.
      Date left and returned to the U.S. (month/year)


      Please list all countries you have travelled to and when

      Have you ever voted in any Federal, state, or local election in the United States?

      Have you ever registered to vote in any Federal, state, or local election in the U.S.?

      Since becoming a Lawful Permanent Resident (Green Card holder), have you ever failed to file a required Federal, state, or local tax return or called yourself a “nonresident” on same?

      Do you owe any Federal, state, or local taxes that are overdue?

      Do you have any title of nobility in any foreign country?

      Have you ever been arrested, cited, or detained by any law enforcement officer (including INS, now BCIS and military officers) for any reason?

      Have you ever been placed in an alternative sentencing or rehabilitative program (for example: diversion, deferred prosecution, withheld adjudication, deferred adjudication)?

      *PLEASE NOTE: If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, but did NOT register with the Selective Service System and you are still under 26 years of age, you must register before you apply for naturalization. If you answered “YES” to the previous question, but did NOT register with the Selective Service System, and you are now 26 years or older, attach a statement explaining why you did not register.

      Other, please specify:

      Please upload the following documents:

      • Passport
      • Proof of U.S. citizenship or U.S. Permanent Residency
      • Visa (all prior visas to the U.S.)
      • Front and back of your I-94 card
      • Copy of I-797 Approval Notices
      • Employment authorization documents
      • Advance Parole documents
      • Resume
      • Degrees, transcripts and translations
      • Birth certificates, and translations (all family members)
      • Adoption papers (for dependents if applicable)
      • Marriage certificates and/or divorce decrees (candidate and spouse)
      • Death certificate (if widowed)

      Contact Information

      Referral Source
      How did you find our website?*

      Your Questions or Comments

      Your privacy is important to us! By clicking the Submit button, you acknowledge that we collect the information you provide in this form only to assess your options for immigration. We will not sell your information to third-parties or disclose it without your consent unless authorized by law or if you hire us as your attorney and the services we provide for you require us to give your information to third-parties. You also acknowledge that an attorney-client relationship is not established until you speak directly with the attorney in person or over the phone to confirm such relationship.

      U.S. Eligibility – Family Based Petition

        Please respond to every box:

        • If unknown – write “unknown”
        • If not applicable – write “N/A”
        • If none – write “none”
        Full Name (First, Middle Last)

        US Social Security Number

        Any other names used (please include names by previous marriages)

        Place of birth (city/country)

        Date of Birth

        Date of Entry into the U.S.

        Type of Entry Visa into the U.S.

        Expiry date of visa

        Spouse’s Full Name (First, Middle Last)

        US Social Security Number

        Any other names used (please include names by previous marriages)

        Spouse’s place of birth (city/country)

        Spouse’s date of birth


        Father's Full Name

        Father's Date of Birth

        Father's City and Country of Birth

        Father's City and Country of Residence

        Mother's Full Name

        Mother's Maiden Name

        Mother's Date of Birth

        Mother's City and Country of Birth

        Mother's City and Country of Residence

        Full name of any former Husband or Wife (if none so state). Please include maiden names if any.

        Date of Birth

        Date and Place of Marriage

        Date and Place of Termination of Marriage

        Street Name and Number


        State or Province


        Dates of Residency (mm/dd/yyyy – mm/dd/yyyy)

        Please provide your most recent foreign address of more than one (1) year
        Street Name and Number


        State or Province


        Dates of Residency

        Please list all employment for the last five (5) years. If none, so state.
        Employer Name

        Job Title


        State or Province


        Dates of Employment

        Please list your Last Occupation Abroad
        Employer Name

        Job Title


        State or Province


        Dates of Employment


        Have you EVER had any problem entering the U.S., obtaining a U.S. visa, or ANY contact with the police in any country?

        Have you ever been under immigration proceedings?

        If you have children, even adult children, please provide a list of their names, dates of birth, and countries of birth.

        What is your current address abroad, if any?


        Referral Source
        How did you find our website?*

        Your Questions or Comments

        Your privacy is important to us! By clicking the Submit button, you acknowledge that we collect the information you provide in this form only to assess your options for immigration. We will not sell your information to third-parties or disclose it without your consent unless authorized by law or if you hire us as your attorney and the services we provide for you require us to give your information to third-parties. You also acknowledge that an attorney-client relationship is not established until you speak directly with the attorney in person or over the phone to confirm such relationship.